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Product Information

1. Product oil

China Forestry Materials Corporation is the major provider of forestry product oil for forest zones of our country. It supplies varieties of oil for the state-owned forest regions in northeast, northwest and inner Mongolia, such as gasoline, kerosene, and diesel.

2.The business of forest fire prevention equipment

CFMC provides forest fire prevention equipments all through the country.  The operation scope includes: command cars, troop crawlers and other equipments. After years of operation, we have been ordered as the general agent of special forest fire prevention cars across our country.

3. Import and export business

Import and export trade department engages mainly in trade exporting and importing. There has been a continuous increase in importing timber since the end of 2012.

4.Logistics supervision

The logistics supervision business, which was newly developed, started from 2010. We act as sourcing agent and supervision of goods by way security for loans. The business scope is mainly in Shenyang.